SPORTS MASSAGE – Treatment for Lower Body Syndromes – 1 DAY Seminar – Inst: Natacha Vidal

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SPORTS MASSAGE - Treatment for Lower Body Syndromes

Seminar Level: Advanced

Instructor: Natacha Vidal

During this interactive science-based course, our instructor, a Physical Therapist trained in France, a triathlete, MMA aficionado and the Sports Massage coordinator for the Philadelphia Marathon, Natacha Vidal, will discuss in depth Piriformis syndrome, IT band syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin splints and other common lower body sports massage injuries, including their definition, mechanism and cause.

The most current sports massage treatment of each of those injuries will be practiced hands on, with techniques such as muscle energy, deep tissue, trigger point and soft tissue release.

By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and techniques to effectively treat the lower body injuries discussed. You will have an understanding, of the protocols and how to use such protocols to allow you to work on other lower body pathologies you may encounter in your practice.

What to bring

  • Massage table
  • Linens & lotions or oils
  • Snacks & Nonalcoholic beverages
  • Notebook

What to wear

  • Loose comfortable clothing such as yoga or fitness attire