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Seminar Level: Intermediate/Advanced (No Prerequisite Needed)

Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Cullers

NCBTMB Approved Provider #20

CE BROKER #50-14961

Texas Approved Provider 

NCBTMB New York Sponsored Approved Provider


In this innovative and challenging 1-DAY course Nationally Board Certified and Licensed Chiropractic Physician, SOMI Certified Medical Massage Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist, Dr. Jeff Cullers, will present the importance of identifying and eliminating fibrotic bridges/adhesions that may form in between the layers of the skin, superficial and deep fascia and the potential health risks associated when fibrotic bridges/adhesions develop in Connective Tissue structures.

Dr. Cullers will discuss the following:

  1. CTM & Medical Massage – Is there a connection?
  2. What is CTM/Bindegewebsmasage
  3. Origin and Development of CTM/Bindegewebsmassage
  4. Theoretical Foundation for the Mechanism of Effect
  5. Anatomy, Physiology & Pathophysiology of Connective Tissue
  6. Neuroanatomical and Neurophysiological Principles
  7. The Sensory System
  8. The Motor System
  9. The Autonomic Nervous System
  10. The Segmental Structure of the Body & Physiological Reflex Mechanism
  11. Introduction to Diagnostic Evaluation of CTZs
  12. CTM/Bindegewebsmassage Techniques
  13. CTM/Bindegewebsmassage Protocols
  14. Post Isometric Relaxation Stretching Techniques

Dr. Cullers will present Connective Tissue assessment and treatment techniques discovered and developed in 1929 by Physical Therapist E. Dicke from Germany. With the assistance of Professor Kohlrausch Ph.D. and Dr. Veil MD in Germany, very precise and scientifically proven Connective Tissue Massage/Bindegewebsmassage protocols were tested and developed.

In this course, you will learn how and why to use European Connective Tissue Massage/Bindegewebsmassage techniques such as German Connective Tissue Massage, Skin Rolling and Silicone Cupping.

Using these Connective Tissue assessment protocols and techniques in your private practice will produce amazing results for your clients and or patients.


  • Writing utensil & paper to take notes
  • Massage Table, linens, and massage lotion/oil/cream (If you are attending with another MT, 1 table is recommended for 2 people)
  • Silicone or Rubber Cups (No Glass or Hard plastic cups allowed)
  • Snacks and Non-Alcoholic Beverages
  • Wear loose comfortable clothing such as yoga or fitness attire
  • You must attend the Hands-On training

NOTE: If you do not have a massage table or choose not to participate in the hands-on techniques presented, you may observe.

Sets of 4 Silicone Cups will be available for purchase of $20 at the course.